Dear Global Family,
Greetings of peace and Om Shanti.
It is a good time to pay silent homage to this tireless spiritual server who has meant so much to so many. We treasure the wealth of personal lessons in wisdom and courage she shared throughout her life. Dadi Janki was an inspiration to many. She was a true world mother, a practical example of purity and simplicity and a highly respected spiritual teacher. She was a wisdom keeper and her words adorned souls with profound truths. Her heart continually beat to the rhythm of world service as she touched what was real and true in everyone’s heart, thus, being the heart of the world.
Dadi Janki’s world service was always combined with her remembrance of God, always pointing upward as a reminder that we are all connected to God if we remember Him. Let us connect in the remembrance of the One to whom she dedicated her life.
Below is one of her many and very effective lessons.