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Breaking Down the Walls in Our Minds

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Breaking Down the Walls

in Our Minds


Saturday, June 11, 2022
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM PDT Workshop

Knowingly or unknowingly we construct mental walls which after a while make us feel limited and trapped. We often yearn to escape these self-imposed limitations but struggle to find effective tools to break down these barriers.  Enjoy a safe and caring environment where you can be free to express yourself and discover viable solutions.


In exercising thoughtfulness, we request that you arrive on time, be it in-person or on zoom, be open to experiments and ever ready with pencil and paper!

Registration is closed for this event.

The presenter of the Insightful Dialogue will be BK Santi (Santiago) Navila, Creative Producer and Organizational Strategist by profession and a practitioner of Raja Yoga Meditation for over 20 years.

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