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An Invitation to A Month of Online World Peace Meditation

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We are an important part of a world in transition!

Every Evening in May, 2021

6:30 – 7:30 PM PDT

Divine friends, brothers and sisters,

Greetings of peace and love.

We are going through turbulent times, perhaps some of the worst in recent times. At this point, many cannot remain emotionally stable and free from fear and worry so easily on their own. We need the help of God, the Universal Force, and a close company of yogis that run on high frequency and guide us to manage these times with strength.

Keeping the circumstances of these times in mind, we have dedicated the month of May to a Collective World Service from 6:30 to 7:30 PM every evening.

Join us in the collective vibration and shared intention. With deep faith in our powers combined with God’s power, we spread the signals of hope and become the beacons of hope right from our home, individually but together.

You are welcome to join any portion of this powerful hour, each evening on Zoom, but do try to take part each evening to feel protected at this time and to spread this necessary protection to all our loved ones and our world. 

Date: Every Evening in May
Timing: 6:30 – 7:30 PM PST

In the remembrance of the One, with warm wishes,
LA BK Team

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