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Online: Observe It - Don't Absorb It

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Observe It | Don’t Absorb It

With all that is happening in our lives and in the world, how to allow observing not to become absorbing?

Saturday, April 13, 2024
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM PDT (California Time)


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Yogesh Sharda was born in Malawi, Africa, and brought up in England.  Yogesh has been a Personal Development trainer and workshop facilitator for over 22 years and a student of the ancient Raja Yoga for over 42 years. His training comes from the “Academy for a Better World” in Mount Abu, India and the “Global Retreat Centre” in Oxford, England, both run by the Brahma Kumaris University.   Yogesh has trained and facilitated throughout Europe, UK, the Middle East, South East Asia, Australia, USA, Central and South America, the Caribbean and India.  Among his many clients, include Microsoft, Siemens, IBM, Motorola, Ericsson, Barclays Bank, Dow Chemicals, Citibank, and many more, including Bank of America.  He currently coordinates the services of the Centers in Turkey. In this Talk, Yogesh will connect the of dots of our longing for happiness with inner knowing, relationships and purpose.

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